
Luther’s Primary Works: Together with His Shorter and Larger Catechisms is unavailable, but you can change that!

The works selected for this volume were chosen to introduce the reader to the principles that started the Reformation. The larger catechism, in particular, lays out the foundational tenets of Martin Luther’s theology. Luther’s Primary Works includes Concerning Christian Liberty, The 95 Theses, and more.

HALLOWED BE THY NAME. What does that mean? Answer. God’s name, indeed, is already holy in itself, but we pray in this prayer that it may also be holy among us. How is this done? Answer. Where the word of God is taught in all purity and sincerity, and we live a holy life in accordance with it, as the children of God. In which our dear Father in heaven help us! But he who teaches and lives otherwise than the word of God teaches, he profanes among us the name of God, from which defend
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